High-value animal feed products

Feed products produced by ICM technologies benefit a variety of animal species and create additional revenue streams for ethanol producers.

Feed Products

Distillers grains with or without solubles

Distillers grains are a good source of protein for many animals. A basic corn biorefinery produces three types: dried distillers grains, wet distillers grains, and modified distillers grains, which are partially dried. Dried distillers grains can be shipped long distances.


SOLBRAN™ is a high-fiber animal feed ingredient. Research has demonstrated that cattle diets containing SOLBRAN™ enhance feed-gain ratios.


Hi-Pro(40) is a concentrated form of dried distillers grains. High in protein and low in fiber, Hi-Pro(40) can replace significant portions of soybean meal and corn in poultry and swine diets. It is also a source of protein and energy for dairy cows.


With a higher protein concentration than traditional distillers grains, PROTOMAX™ is a premium feed product that meets the nutritional needs of many animal species.

Diversify your plant portfolio

Contact our local team to discover more about the high-quality feed products produced by ICM technologies.

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